One of the most common complaints during relationship therapy is that one partner would like more sex than the other. The ‘right’ amount of sex in a relationship is what works for the couple. For many couples negotiation is achieved and both partners are satisfied. However for some couples their sexual desire differences continue frustrate. Unresolved issues can lead to anger and frustration, which often impacts on the relationship overall. It is important to understand there is no “normal” desire level – every individual has a different sexual appetite. Couples who present to Therapia with unresolved sexual concerns are assisted with education and communication tools so that the issues can be discussed in an environment whereby the needs of both partners are addressed. Do you and your partner have mismatched sex drives? Do you want sex daily, does your partner want it once a month, or vice versa? Differing sex drives can lead even the most loving couples down a path paved with frustration, resentment, confusion and despair – a path that too often leads to separation and divorce. Does sex, or rather the lack of sex, present as the elephant in the room in your relationship? Is intimacy and sex the same thing? Do you dirty fight over reconciling domestic responsibilities Desire difference is a common relationship concern and neither partner should be blamed, nor should you compare yourselves to other couples. Sex is a sensitive subject. If you need help navigating this part of the relationship road map- book an appointment with a relationship therapist. If the sexual concerns in your relationship involve difficulties in having or enjoying sex please refer to Sexual Therapy.